
About Us

ABIW is a friendly group of women who get together regularly for social and cultural activities. Our common language is English. We’ve been active in and around Antwerp for more than 50 years and boast a membership of more than 60 women from all over the world.

Our aims are to:

  • provide a centre for expats;
  • offer friendship and support to newcomers; and
  • enable women of all ages and nationalities to meet and take part in social and cultural events.

Lasting Contacts and Friendships

Many of our members are here permanently. This means that the friends you make will not all be disappearing after a year or so.

English-speaking women of all nationalities are welcome. Besides British expatriates, we currently have members from America, Belgium, Canada,  France, Germany,  India,  Netherlands,  Philippines, Turkmenistan and South Africa.

Benefits of Membership

  • Through our varied activities members soon make acquaintances and friends with other members and can enjoy friendly, social events.
  • Partners and friends are welcome to join us for many of our outings, on both weekdays and weekends, at a small extra charge.
  • As well as friendship we offer help and advice to those who have recently arrived in Belgium.
  • Members can attend all activities of the club – monthly meetings, cultural outings, lunches, coffee mornings,  for free or at membership rates. Some of our activities, such as the summer and Christmas lunches are subsidized.
  • All members receive:
    • Our group’s monthly newsletter, Grapevine, which is full of news about our events, other general interest articles and information about what is going on in Antwerp and its environs.
    • A Membership Directory, which is updated and reprinted annually.

See our activities page for more information.