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October Brunch Meeting

October 1, 2019 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm


October Brunch, Theater Hotel, October 1, 2019

10.30 till 12.00


As last year, we are replacing the October monthly meeting with a “Brunch”, a get together giving us all the chance to sit and chat after our summer break.

We will, once again, have a delicious buffet offering a range of fresh products such as a choice of luxury breads, fresh fruit, pastries, meats and cheeses, sweets, etc. Coffee/tea/hot chocolate – orange/ tomato/ grapefruit juice à volonté.

Where: Theater Hotel,  Arenbergstraat 30, 2000 Antwerpen

Time:  10.30 till 12.00

Cost: Members €7; guests €22.

To register: contact Kathryn Passmore or Sue Van Looy by September 24, then transfer the appropriate amount to the ABIW account, mentioning “Brunch” and your name. Receipt of payment confirms your booking. The booking deadline is also the final date by which payment is due.



October 1, 2019
10:30 am - 12:00 pm


Theater Hotel
Antwerp, Belgium
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