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Plantin & Moretus Museum

January 24, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Plantin & Moretus Museum

“Leading Ladies” Guided Tour

In 1555, Christoffel Plantin published his first book. In less than twenty years, Plantin’s publishing house became the best in Europe. As a result of that success, in 1576 they relocated to the Vrijdagmarkt where The Plantin and Moretus families lived and worked there for three hundred years. They converted the ‘Gulden Passer’ (‘Golden Compass’) into a beautiful mansion, which is now a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Walk inside the printing office and home of the Plantin-Moretus dynasty and discover what life was like for the women who lived and worked there in the 16th century. Enter the world of the hard working, determined, entrepreneurial Moretus ladies.

Where: Museum Plantin-Moretus, Vrijdagmarkt 22

Getting there: From Groenplaats (the corner by Manhattan Burgers), turn right into Groenkerkhofstraat. Make the first left into Kammenstraat and then turn right into Gierstraat, which brings you to Vrijdagmarkt. Total distance is about 250 meters.

Time: Tour starts at 10:00 AM. Please plan to arrive by 9:45 so we can start on time. The tour ends at 12 noon.

Cost: Members €15; guests €20.

To register: Please sign up with Kathryn Passmore or Sue Van Looy, by Wednesday January 9th, providing the participants’ names. Friends and partners are welcome.

Payment: Transfer the appropriate amount to the ABIW account, mentioning your name(s) and “Leading Ladies”. The deadline for both registration and payment is Wednesday January 9th. Receipt of payment confirms your bookings.

Notes:   Group size, 15 maximum.

This tour includes some stair climbing.



January 24, 2019
10:00 am - 12:00 pm