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Summer Barbecue

August 6, 2019 @ 12:00 pm

€20 – €25

Once again, we invite you for the traditional summer barbecue. We are very grateful to Christine De Brabandere for so generously hosting this event again this year and to Carol Ribbens for assisting with the food preparation. This menu includes, as usual, a variety of meats and salads as well as some of Carol’s own delicious summer desserts.

Venue: Home of Christine De  Brabandere

Date: Tuesday, August 6

Time: 12.00

Cost: Members €20, guests €25

To reserve: Sign up by July 30 with Susan Van Looy and then transfer the appropriate amount to the ABIW account (BE82 0014 6806 3068), marking your transfer “Barbecue for your name”. Receipt of payment confirms your booking. The booking deadline is also the final date by which payment is due.

Getting there:

By car:

  • Take the E 17 direction Gent
  • Exit 16 Melsele Kruibeke
  • Turn Right
  • Drive until a roundabout: you will arrive at the old road Gent-Antwerpen
  • Take the direction of Beveren ( Melsele)
  • You will pass the tram stop at your right, you will cross a railway (with traffic lights)
  • Drive into the center of Melsele, at your right you will see apartments and an old building: “the boerenpoort oc”
  • Turn left at the traffic lights: Spoorweglaan
  • Take the first street to the left (you have to drive a bit) you will arrive in the Mispellaan
  • Take the 3th right: this is the Kersenlaan…..

By train:

 Take the slow train to Lokeren en get out at Melsele: you walk in the Spoorweglaan until a roundabout: turn right: Pauwstraat, take the second street left: Kersenlaan. It’s a 12 minute walk.

By tram & bus:

Take Tram 3 to the terminal Zwijndrecht/Krijgsbaan, where a pickup can be arranged to Christine’s house. Please arrange this with Ruth beforehand.


Should you get lost on the day please give Christine a call.




August 6, 2019
12:00 pm
€20 – €25