

  • For Expats
    Embassies and Consulates. UK Government offices.
    Web sites with advice for expatriates as well as information about Belgium.
    Local news in English with the expat in mind.
  • Out And About
    Links to sites with news, tourist and other information about Belgium.
    What’s on around Antwerp. Find a restaurant.
  • What’s On Now
    Events in Belgium which may be of interest to those of us not so fluent in the local language!
  • English-Speaking Groups and Organisations Around Antwerp
  • Belgian Holidays
    A list of Belgian public and other holidays.
  • Travel
    Travel within Belgium.
    Getting to and from the U.K.
  • Belgian ContactsImportant telephone numbers.
    Help for the English-speaking Expat
    Web sites and numbers for Belgian utilities.
    Web sites of local Belgian communities.
  • Antwerp Traffic
    Advice for visitors to Antwerp
  • All Things British
    British news and newspapers.
    Happenings back home.
  • Education
    Schools in the Antwerp area.
    Opportunities for continuing education.
  • Local News
    How English-speakers can find out what’s happening in Belgium
  • British Expat Organizations Around The World
  • Religion
    Religious services in English

Help Us To Help You

If you know any information or links which are not on this site but would be useful to other British expatriates, please let the web mistress know: